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Explore Perry Boutiques


A stay at the Hotel Pattee offers guests the opportunity to experience the richness of small  town life. We hope that during your stay you will enjoy many rich experiences that you will all  remember for a lifetime. Below is a partial list of the many things to see and do in the Perry and  surrounding area.

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Located at 924 Otley Avenue


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Located in a reproduction old church, Alice’s Haus Dresin is a must see in your travels to Perry. Alice will help you with all of your decorating needs, from picking out paint colors, window treatments and counter tops, to showing you her wide array of home furniture and home accessories.

Located at 1109 2nd Street

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Atelier at 1109 is a space to create, not a place to work. This coop-style artisan gallery features textiles and fiber arts, glass arts, print craft, screen printing, and most recently painting from watercolor to oil and acrylic, and spans four buildings in the downtown historic district of Perry. Atelier at 1109 offers adult and children’s classes weekly, as well as annual art festivals.

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Located at 1124 2nd Street


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Located at 1121 2nd Street


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Mary Rose Collective

Located at 1215 Warford Avenue


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This beautifully restored building housing Mary Rose is packed with hand-crafted gifts, artwork by local artists, stained glass, and antiques. At Mary Rose filling a home is about honoring craftsmanship and honing one’s sense for what type of place best allows you to thrive, relax, be inspired, and enjoy life’s blessings.

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Located at 1118 2nd Street


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The Scottish Fox sells fabulous finds for you and your home! Look inside this beautiful restored shop located in the downtown historic district of Perry and find the perfect home accessories. The Scottish Fox offers unique pieces and a wide range of home décor furnishings.

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